Block Watch Program

Safe Neighbourhoods Start With You
The Victoria Police Department (VicPD) Block Watch program is a community-based approach to safe neighbourhoods. Residents partner with VicPD and their neighbours to be an additional set of eyes and ears and are asked to report any suspicious or criminal activity they observe. Under the leadership of a Block Watch Captain, neighbours form a communication and information sharing network to discuss what’s going on in the neighbourhood and how to stay better connected.
Participation is voluntary; the first step is to identify someone to take on the leadership role within your neighbourhood. That person accepts the duties of being a Block Watch Captain and works with the VicPD Block Watch Coordinator to deliver the program to neighbours. Participants share information and work together with VicPD to maintain a positive approach to crime prevention initiatives.
VicPD looks forward to working with all residents in the Gonzales neighbourhood in an effort to maintain safe and healthy communities in the neighbourhoods where you live, work and play.
To learn more about VicPD Block Watch, and how to build a connected neighbourhood, please visit our website VicPD Block Watch. To sign up or to make an inquiry please contact Kimberly Kelley, VicPD Block Watch Coordinator.
Kimberly Kelley, BBA
Community Programs Coordinator
Victoria Police Department
The above map shows approximate locations of Block Watch groups within the Gonzales Neighbourhood (orange boundary line). Note that Block Watch groups are intended to be relatively small, and the area covered by a Block Watch group may be as little as a single city block or apartment complex. If you are interested in becoming a Block Watch member please call Kimberly Kelley (VicPD Block Watch Coordinator) at 250-995-7409 and she can determine whether you are located within the area of interest of an existing Block Watch group.